Leading the cash management system market.Gain the control of your business.
The cash handling is always one of the most important issues in any commercial activitiy and the common management way is completely vulnerable to losses and errors that generally cause headaches and worries. The manual handling expose business to unknown losses that seriously affect to revenue and business security. The cash management systems like CashGuard avoid all those risk factors providing the business with benefits such us:
Insured Cash
CashGuard is a closed system tamper-proof.
Sales increases
CashGuard counts the money propertly – without exceptions
Total Cash Management
Cash control and management through Store Manager Software
Inbalance dissapear
Cash always match saving closing times
CashGuard system manages the cash providing the proper time to be able to focus on your business, increasing the security significantly, yours and your employees peace of mind.
Bartolome Consultores implants CashGuard management systems in Málaga and province, rest of Andalucía (Sevilla, Cádiz, Huelva, Córdoba, Granada, Almería, Jaén…) being completely integrated with our POS systems Panasonic-Neo and Uniwell. Many customers have relied on Bartolomé Consultores to implant the CashGuard manamement systems in their business.
“CashGuard management system leads the market with around 30.000 units installed all over the world”
Bartolome Consultores are Sales & Service Partner of StrongPoint
Quick and Secure.
Reciclador de Monedas
- Tamper-proof and designing to work 24/7, CashGuards has the faster coin and bank notes returner int the actual market.
- Admits all euro currencies and validates them.
- Capacity between 200 and 380 coins by currency…
Reciclador de Billetes
- 3 options of 3, 4 or 5 note cassettes with a max/speed of 4 notes/seg for the 5 notes cassettes model.
- Detection and aceptation of bank notes (even deteriorated)
- Capacity up to 200 bank notes…
Easy and intuitive.
CashGuard is a closed system and easy to use. Through the software Store Manager you can automatize the cash handling: consult, withdraw and deposit the cash managed by CashGuard. You could control in any momento the managed money of your business and, in that way avoid high levels of cash.
We show it to you
Want to see how it works? We show it to you
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